Benefits of gulfHR

Benefits of gulfHR

BENEFITS OF GULFHR: It’s Magic June 2022 Anyone who has seen an awe-inspiring magic show knows what follows one impressive feat: something even more impressive! Similarly, gulfHR developed a platform where the benefits keep coming just like a magician who keeps...
The Power of HR Automation

The Power of HR Automation

THE POWER OF HR AUTOMATION April 2022 Human resources focus on the human side of business. But increasingly HR teams are occupied with mundane, repetitive tasks, taking their energy from performing more strategic HR functions. Managing leave, overtime calculations –...
How to start your HR Digital Transformation

How to start your HR Digital Transformation

HOW TO START YOUR HR DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION March 2022 Digital transformation is not just upgrading your human resources management system (HRMS). Phrases like “user experience” are hot on everybody’s lips. All and every industry in every corner of the world is on the...